Business Area
Introducing Youngkwang’s division.
Introducing Youngkwang’s division.
In offshore platform, onshore plant, and shipbuilding/ship construction, all work was carried out on site at once. It is divided into unit modules, manufactured through outsourcing rather than on-site, and then installed to improve productivity and secure high quality. As a result, the construction period can be drastically reduced.
Our MODULE is a product that can be mounted at once by unifying pump, cooler, equipment, etc. together with piping and structure as one unit module. We have various production experiences such as ENGINE ROOM MODULE , PURIFIER UNIT, GLYCOL WATER HEATING MODULE. By applying this to the production of oil & gas, power plant, large structure, etc., we are contributing to shortening the construction site of each field, improving productivity, reducing manufacturing cost, and preventing collisions between processes.
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Marine & Offshore

Process OIL & GAS